
雅格布Tamburini的27, Aina Mallorqui”26日, and 候选材料Damste的24 all ventured to Beloit from abroad to continue their athletic and academic careers. The three have thrived athletically and also have enjoyed college life in many different ways outside of athletics.

雅格布, Aina和Candis在运动. 雅格布Tamburini的27, Aina Mallorqui”26日, and 候选材料Damste的24 traveled from abroad to continue their athletic dreams 在贝洛伊特.


雅各布·坦布里尼站在二垒庆祝. 雅格布 Tamburini celebrates a double while paying tribute to his Italian heritage.雅各布,一年级学生 棒球 有意主修的玩家 工程, has seen lots of opportunities at the plate in his first year with the Bucs. 雅格布 moved from his hometown of Bologna, Italy, to attend 十大菠菜台子.

He spent his junior year of high school in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, playing travel 棒球. 在那个赛季,他与教练戴夫·德乔治取得了联系. With family in Madison to assist him, he was able to set up a visit to Beloit.

这次旅行是选择伯洛伊特的一个关键因素. “奇妙之旅, 伟大的教练, and the good 工程 program all helped me realize that 十大菠菜台子 would be the right fit for me,他说.

雅各布·坦布里尼准备挥杆. 雅格布 Tamburini loading up, preparing to swing at an incoming pitch.他还强调了与队友之间的友情. “My relationship with the team as a whole is amazing; There is a feeling of family,他说. The biggest difference in athletics 在贝洛伊特 compared to Italy, according to 雅格布, is that U.S. 棒球 is faster-paced and the season is a lot more demanding, 在更紧凑的赛程中有更多的比赛. 然而, he also described that “the beauty of all sports in general is that they are international, 他们都说同一种语言.”

He said the biggest difference for him socially was spending every moment with his peers and teammates. “We spend a lot of time together, whether it is during class, at Commons, on the field, or at night. I believe it is one of the best things about college,他说. Baseball was one motivator for 雅格布, plus the ability to pick classes he was interested in.

“如果棒球对我来说意义不大, I wouldn’t have left my family and friends to live in a different continent,他说. “The sport definitely keeps me very motivated and makes all the sacrifices well worth it.”

Aina Mallorqui”26日

Aina Mallorqui站起来欢呼. Aina Mallorqui在一场精彩的比赛后为她的队友欢呼.艾娜是大二学生 篮球 双学位选手 企业管理 心理学家也是 Kappa Delta (Upsilon分会). 瓦尔斯人, 西班牙, 她希望在体育界工作, and maybe even get a masters in sports psychology after Beloit. She was coming into games off the bench in her first season with the Bucs before suffering a season-ending knee injury.

Aina found herself in a strange situation when her home university shut down in 2023. She chose Beloit because of the 篮球 team’s warm welcome and the admissions team’s assistance in getting her credits transferred. 艾娜形容她的团队就像一个家庭. “作为一个团队,我们有很多乐趣,我们都很亲密. We hang out outside of 篮球, and they’ve become important people in my life.”

Moving from 西班牙 to Wisconsin and playing 篮球 has had its challenges. In 西班牙, she was accustomed to a shorter schedule, with four practices and one game per week. Beloit athletics have practice almost every day and multiple games per week. Some technical plays also are officiated differently overseas. “At first it confused me, so it made for some funny moments,”她说。.

Aina Mallorqui和一群朋友聚在一起. Aina Mallorqui gathered with her friends and fellow Kappa Delta members.调整每天的饮食计划也是必要的. 她说:“在家里,我们什么都晚做。. “午餐是比较丰盛的一餐,通常在下午1点到4点之间.m.然后在8点到11点之间吃晚饭. 这是早些时候,很难适应.”

但即使面临挑战, Aina looks to her family in 西班牙 for support and inspiration to succeed. “What motivates me the most is making my family proud and having them see that all their effort to get me here was worth it,”她说。. ”也, proving to myself that I made the right choice by moving here and pursuing my dreams keeps me going.”


Candis Damste是一名大四学生 田径 来自加纳阿克拉的赛跑运动员. 她的专业是 企业管理 辅修了 数学 and is set to get her master’s in accounting from Rice University in Houston, Texas, next year. 除了田径,她还喜欢成为田径协会的一员 Theta 在贝洛伊特.

Candis Damste,队友和教练合影. Candis Damste posing for a picture with her winning relay team and her coach.Candis is running in the spring outdoor 田径 season after a record-breaking indoor season. She was part of two relay teams that finished first and second, 同时还赢得了个人200米和400米的冠军. 她在400米比赛中的成绩打破了伯洛伊特学院的学校纪录. Her performance earned her the Women’s Indoor Track and Field Championship Outstanding Track Performer award.

She actually found Beloit through her SAT prep teacher, who helped her create a list of schools. 不在名单上的学校里, Beloit fit all of the qualities she was looking for: “a close-knit community, 多样性, 声望, 学生与教师的比例也很小.”

Cadis drove home the family environment, not only with her teammates, but also with her coaches. “Brian Bliese教练是我的美国父亲和最好的朋友, 埃莉教练是我的姐姐,”她说。. “我的队友就像我的兄弟姐妹. Even though we do not always get along, I have a warm spot in my heart for everyone.”

她在加纳从没跑过田径. “我参加了每一场田径运动会, but it never appealed to me because my high school team practiced on a dirt field,”她说。.

坎迪斯说,从没有健身房开始, 培训师, 这让她在伯洛伊特的经历更加甜蜜. “我很感激每一点,”她说. “My experience here can never be compared to what my friends who ran track in Ghana had.”

Candis Damste与朋友合影. Candis Damste被Theta的其他成员包围.她通过信任这个过程继续保持动力, 对项目的信念, 这让她远远领先于你的同龄人.

“The difference between last season and this season is my mindset,”她说。. “这就是激励我的原因. 一旦我在幕后投入工作, I trust I will be right where I need to be on competition day.”

She added that the biggest difference between Beloit and home is her positive relationships with her coaches and the 体能训练师. “I’ve never felt so comfortable and close with my coaches and 培训师,”她说。. “我期待着每天都去体育中心, 在前台和艾米丽打招呼, 在教练的办公室吃午饭, and going down to the 培训师 before and after practices for rehab and to pet their dogs.”

作者:Miles Souza, 25岁

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